COACHING REVIEW – Start-up Phase – 1st 90 Days
Throughout this final “Set-up” phase you will have access to a Coaching Team. The primary objective of the Coaches is to function as enablers to assist and support you in finalising the start-up of your business. The business coach helps you as a start-up clarify your business goals, and objectives and helps you to develop the skills and resources needed to achieve business success.
There is a Coaching Review Schedule to serve as your “roadmap” through the various stages of your start-up.
The Coaching Review takes you through all the stages required for your business start-up. These include:
1.Small Business Startup – Bootcamp
During the Bootcamp you will understand the world of entrepreneurship, its demands and rewards.
2.Small Business Ideation – Bootcamp
During this phase you will commence the development and formulation of your business idea complimented by development in Design Thinking to strengthen the validity of your idea.
3.Market Research
To validate your business idea market research is essential and you will commence a research process to test your business idea.
4.Business Modelling
The next stage of the process will be develop a practical and executable business model which will determine your method of operation in your new business.
5.Strategic and Financial Modelling
At the core of your business is an efficiently functioning operational finance management infrastructure. Your business strategy and financial model is critical to the success of your business
6.Operational Design
For your business to function optimally your otganisation structure and all aspects of your operations need to be carefully crafted and tested.
7.Business Setup
Having completed the preliminary development of your business idea and completed the necessary validation you are now entering the phase of setting up your business. This entails commencing all the governance and registration elements of your business.
COACHING REVIEW – Set-up Phase – 2nd 90 days
Throughout this final “Sart-up” phase you will have access to a Coaching Team. The primary objective of the Coaches is to function as enablers to assist and support you in finalising the start-up of your business. The business coach helps you as a start-up clarify your business goals, and objectives and helps you to develop the skills and resources needed to achieve business success.
There is a Coaching Review Schedule to serve as your “roadmap” through the various stages of your start-up.
The Coaching Review takes you through all the stages required for your business start-up. These include:
1.Small Business Compliance
This essentially entails all the compliance and legal aspects associated with to your business and requires reviewed copies to be inserted into your Project Folder as well as planning this phase of your programme – Refer to the Planners & Calendar.
2. Business Planning
This phase of the process is the finalisation of your Business Model, The Business Plan as well as the finalisation of all the aspects of your Business Branding. This also entails a number of core business processes.
3. Sales
During this phase you will finalise your product/service and prepare for the sales engine to engage.
4. Marketing
Your sales engine cannot engage without a fit for purpose and well constructed Marketing programme. During this phase you will develop and engage your marketing plans and infrastructure.
5. Finance
At the core of your business is an efficiently functioning operational finance management infrastructure. Even though you may ultimately outsource the financial accounting aspects of your business there are a number of functions which remains your internal responsibility.
6. Systems and Technology
Core to the efficient functioning of your business is appropriate systems and the effective use of technology across the full spectrum of your business operations.
Even in the early stages of your business lifecycle it is imperative that you have systems and processes in place to manage the people aspects of the business. Even you as the owner or owners are subject to fundamental statutory obligations as well as good management practices.
8.Revenue Generation
It is desireable and preferred that pror to the completion of the “start-up” phase that you have commenced trading.
9.Funder Relations
As a young business, funders, investors and bankers are essential components in your business. This will require you to adopt “best practices” in developing funder relations. Core to this is your business metrics(Finance,Costs and Sales). It is these metrics that mitigate the risks perceived by funders and investors.
10.The Finale
At the conclusion of this phase is the Expo and Adjudication. This is your opportunity to showcase your business and “kickstart” the start-up of the business.