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Course Information

Format: TUT Accredited Online Short Course
Certification: Tshwane University of Technology Certificate of Competence
Duration: 5 days
Breakdown: 5 days consecutive online lectures, one portfolio of evidence within 1 week
Hours per week: 4 to 6
Language: English
Cost: R5, 000.00

Course Description

To cultivate entrepreneurship; this workshop will assist participants with developing business ideas, business concepts, “bankable” business plans, and then move them to business start-up. Through providing entrepreneurship education, fostering new business formation will be possible as well as generating jobs. A participatory learning approach will be applied as a guideline throughout the workshop. This will ensure active participation in the learning process. Each module consists of a number of steps that will require discussion, small group exercises, role-plays and individual exercises as well as business simulations. The course will run over a 5-day period, with a total of 40 notional hours.

Course Outcomes

After completion of this course the participants should possess:

  • Entrepreneurial skills (e.g. communication, pitching, leadership and more);
  • Possess a degree of positive attitude towards enterprise and self-employment
  • An understanding of facts about small enterprises and co-operatives
  • An ability to assess their potential for becoming future entrepreneurs
  • Potential to generate business ideas
  • The skill to identify needs in the community which can be fulfilled through enterprise
  • Business plan development capability

Course Curriculum

Module 1: What is a Business?
Module 2: Who is an Entrepreneur?
Module 3: Small Business Statutory Requirements
Module 4: Financial Planning for Small Business
Module 5: Compiling my Business Plan

Who Should Attend The Short Course?

Potential and existing entrepreneurs and small business owners.